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  • Writer's pictureCaron Hunter

The Gifts of Meditation During Pandemic

A challenging year gone by as many of us squirm forward aching from the loss of family, friends, and millions of people around the world who succumbed to Covid 19. The pandemic has forever altered life as we knew it. This past year changed most of our daily routines. We found creative ways to keep safe, find new masks, negotiate work, education, parenting, relationships, healthcare, exercising and buying groceries. Our bodies, a fodder for stress have sustained unprecedented unknowns, hyper-vigilance of our surroundings, increased anxiety, and now beg us for peace.

Meditation is one of the best ways to soothe your stress, and create a healing space for your body/mind. One needs no experience to begin. Meditation is the practice of learning to stay. In a digital world that calls us to continuous visibility and action, meditation teaches resilience, and is a soothing balm for body, mind, and emotions. Meditation supports focus, living in the now, and acceptance of life's unexpected moments. On a physiological level meditation can stabilize blood pressure, reduce heart rate, pain symptoms, and rates of respiration. When the mind is busy, the discipline of focusing on the breath offers an opportunity to learn patience with the self. Slowly, we find the compassion and commitment to stay when our inner turmoil vies for our attention. Learning the discipline to stay present, gently retuning to our breath, develops a compassionate feedback loop of loving presence, a gift that keeps on giving. As we embrace tolerance for our humanness we embrace others with more patience, kindness, and care.

During pandemic, I offer Turning Inward meditation classes on zoom and always welcome new participants. Classes are Monday - Friday, 8:15 - 8:45am. With respect for the financial challenges many of you are facing please join free if needed, and if you are financially able, donations are always appreciated. Please reach out to me at

for more information or practice link.

Many Blessings of Peace,


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